Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Post/First Game

My first blog post! Anyway, the first video game I can remember playing was Mario Bros. I think that goes for many others as well. The classic tale even Shakespeare could never write. A princess kidnapped by the evil king Koopa and the only courageous enough to save her are two brothers. Plumbers of the same womb who, although seem to be Italian, have only been know to say "mama mia!". Only the twisted genius of Shigeru Miyamoto could create such an amazingly ridiculous character and have it capture the hearts of millions. The only reason I didn't yell "WTF" when I played this game for the first time is because I really had no frame of reference for video games. But now I see clearly one of the many reasons for our generation of blissful dementia. Mario really led the way for the strange fads and trends we enjoy today. We probably wouldn't have so much Japanese culture influencing the youth if it weren't for Miyamoto-san.


  1. lol, good post. i'll have to follow you soon. talk to you on the forums bud.

  2. just got your link from teh lost forums...
    im 'Dr Bones McCoy'...i know many people hate me on there! but...hi...**follows your blog**

  3. Oh, hey! thanks for the follow. Trying to get the word out so l'm posting in some of the forums I visit.
